

We are dedicated to empowering you with seamless connectivity that transforms the way you experience the digital word. We understand the importance of a reliable and fast WI-FI network in your daily life, whether it’s for work entertainment, or staying connected with loved one

Everything you need to know

Six companies were the founders of WECA in 1999, but today the companies that are part of the Wi-Fi Alliance number more than 800. The Wi-Fi Alliance itself “celebrates Wi-Fi as one of the best technology success stories of the high-tech era”

There are already six WiFi standards

Although, by the way, the oldest ones have been forgotten due to the absence of devices that use them. But even so, the new standards are still compatible with the old ones, as well as many devices that arrive today. We have 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, 802.11n, 802.11ac, and 802.11ax. Although you may know them better as WiFi 1, WIFi 2, WiFi 3, WiFi 4, WiFi 5 and WiFi 6, the name they have received since last 2018, although WiFi 6 would already arrive in 2019.

WiFi 5 set a new record

Today we know it as WiFi 5 but many manufacturers continue to refer to it as WiFi ac or WiFiac. Whatever we call it, this standard uses connections in the 5GHz frequency and its arrival marked a milestone in the history of WiFi connections by exceeding Gbps speed. An impressive speed, although our fiber connections at home cannot take advantage of it. Not all, of course.

9. 30 billion devices in 2019

There were other large-calibre leaps before the one that occurred this year 2019, that of the 20th anniversary of WiFi. In 2011, there were more than one million WiFi hotspots in the world, and in 2014, more than 10,000 million WiFi-enabled devices were sold. But it is that only 5 years later the number of commercialized WiFi devices has already passed 30,000 million. 30,000 million in its entire history, and with 13,000 million active today. Good figure.

WiFi is not special, it’s just radio

You may be thinking that WiFi has its own very complex transmission system, but this is not the case, the system for transmitting WiFi is very old because we are only talking about radio waves. Like the ones you receive when you connect your car radio, or the ones that allow you to make calls from your mobile. The difference with the former is that they work at high frequencies and therefore have less coverage and power, although the amount of data they can transmit is increased. But it’s just radio.

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